Lights Out: How Coors Light Trendjacked a Foul Ball into a Viral Marketing Campaign

In the world of marketing, sometimes the best ideas come from unexpected moments. Last year, a Major League Baseball game provided just such a moment for Coors Light beer, leading to a clever and highly successful campaign that exemplifies trendjacking.

The Foul Ball That Started It All

The incident occurred during a game at Citi Field when Shohei Ohtani, the star player for the Los Angeles Angels, hit a long foul ball into the stands. The ball struck an LED module on one of the stadium’s ad boards, knocking out a square of LEDs that were displaying an ad for Coors Light. This accident created a noticeable black square just above the Coors logo on the can.

Turning a Problem into an Opportunity

Instead of viewing the dead pixels as a problem, a sharp copywriter at the Canadian ad agency Rethink, which works with Molson Coors, saw it as an opportunity. They quickly developed the “Lights Out” campaign centered around the dead pixels on the board. This clever trendjacking included billboard ads incorporating the black square and even a commemorative can design featuring the blotch.

Going Viral and Crossing Borders

The innovative “Lights Out” campaign quickly went viral, capturing the imagination of baseball fans and beer drinkers alike. The buzz was so significant that it sparked interest in the Japanese market, Ohtani’s homeland, where Coors Light is now in demand alongside traditional favorites like Sapporo, Asahi, and Kirin.

The Power of Trendjacking

The “Lights Out” campaign is a perfect example of how creativity and quick thinking can turn an unexpected event into a marketing triumph. By embracing the imperfection caused by Ohtani’s foul ball, Coors Light not only created a memorable campaign but also expanded its market reach. Moving at the pace of culture is extremely important, and finding ways to stay relevant is increasingly hard. Brands and agencies that will succeed are the ones who lean into the moments and signals rather than trying to control and plan each initiative constantly. It’s the magic in everyday relatability that keeps us coming back for more while increasing the chances of going viral. This case of trendjacking shows that sometimes, the best ideas come from the most unexpected places.

How Jive PR + Digital Moves at the Pace of Culture

At Jive PR + Digital, we use advanced social listening tools to quickly identify trending moments and behavioral signals before they take off. This allows us to seamlessly integrate brands into the narrative for maximum relatability. A prime example of this is our influencer marketing campaign for Daiya. Instead of shying away from negative reviews about Daiya’s old formula, we leaned into them to highlight the new and improved formula authentically, showcasing its fermentation process closely aligned with real dairy. This honest approach shifted perceptions, boosted in-store purchases, and built significant brand love. The campaign’s success was recognized with a gold award in the American Business Awards for Influencer Campaign of the Year. By leveraging technology and cultural signals, we ensure our brands stay relevant and deeply connected with their audiences.