User-Generated Content on TikTok: Leveraging Your Community for Marketing Success

UGC on TikTok refers to content such as product reviews, photos, videos, and testimonials that are created by users themselves. This type of content adds value to brands as it increases engagement by building brand loyalty. It is important to note that, unlike influencer marketing, brands do not necessarily leverage UGC Creators for their follower count because the creator does not post the content to their page. Instead, content is shared with the brand for the brand to share across their social media platforms.

User-Generated Content on TikTok

Why Harness UGC, Particularly on TikTok?

According to 93% of marketers, consumers usually trust content created by customers over content created by brands. Failing to use UGC means missing out on the significant chance to build a trusting relationship with your audience and unlock the vast potential for authentic content that your customers can create.

Here’s how you can utilize UGC on TikTok for future marketing campaigns:

#1. Build a Sense of Community

One important way to enhance your UGC on TikTok is to share challenges, giveaway opportunities, or contests that encourage your community to create content related to your brand. Establish clear guidelines, leverage a brand hashtag, and offer incentives such as discounts, free products, or even the chance to be featured on your brand’s official TikTok account. This will motivate your audience to participate and feel excited about supporting your brand.

#2. Collaborate with Creators

Identify niche creators within your target audience who have strong content on TikTok. Remember, the creator’s following is not what’s important when it comes to UGC, but rather focus on their style of content and if they would genuinely resonate with your brand. Then, begin outreach to gather rates and explore possibilities for collaborations, where they can create UGC showcasing your products or services. At this stage, it is important to ask for permission from creators to boost their content so it can be used for TikTok ads. Additionally, prioritizing long-term partnerships during this process can help your brand develop a strong relationship with various creators, which ultimately builds trust and makes future campaigns that much more streamlined.

#3. Lean Into TikTok Marketing Agencies

Partner with a marketing agency that specializes in TikTok and UGC campaigns in order to leverage their expertise on the platform and network of creators. From start to finish, a marketing agency is there to handle anything from initial outreach, to contracts, captions and brand hashtags, and invoicing. That way, you can ensure UGC campaigns align with your brand and maximize brand awareness.

#4. Use Duet and Stitch Features

Leverage TikTok’s Duet and Stitch features to induce collaboration and engagement. Encourage your followers to Duet or Stitch with your content, nurturing creativity and generating more user-generated content.

#5. Incorporate UGC into TikTok Ads

To get more mileage out of your user-generated content, include it in your TikTok ads. Repurposing UGC into your brand’s adverts breathes new life into the content and maximizes its reach.

In conclusion, User-Generated Content on TikTok will only elevate your brand by increasing reach, fostering brand loyalty and trust, and building an active and passionate community.

This is your sign to hop on the TikTok bandwagon and start tapping into the power of UGC for marketing success. To get started today, send us a message below and get ready to take your brand to the next level!