Why ‘digital PR’ is even more essential for brands in a post-pandemic era

2020 was the start of a new world and the beginning of a new normal, with COVID-19 causing both individuals and businesses to adapt to a new way of living. The pandemic forced the digitization process creating a huge shift in all sectors, including the public relations industry. PR has become more relevant in the new media than ever before. The digitalization of media has forced businesses to find new ways and platforms to interact with their audience. A recent study shows that US consumers and businesses have accelerated adoption of digital channels in all industries since the start of the pandemic and that we have jumped 5 years ahead in digital adoption in a matter of a few months. 

Digital PR is an evolved version of traditional PR that utilizes strategic planning of different internet channels and digital platforms to achieve a greater online presence. In order to understand what digital public relations truly entails, it is important to understand what it used to be. Traditional PR was the pre-internet age of doing PR, where traditional media, like print publications, TV, and radio were the platforms to reach to the audience. With the rise of the internet era, everything changed. However, the main goal of traditional and digital PR remains the same: establish and maintain a positive brand image. 

The evolution of technology has now opened the doors to new communication and information sharing channels. Digital PR is in demand more than ever before, as the audience now resides on different social platforms more than any other channel. A few benefits of digital PR include:

Jive Social Posts
  • Direct communication with the audience and building long lasting relationships with no limitation to time or geographical location.
  • The option to choose what social media platforms to be on, based on the target audience. 
  • To spread new information faster and more effectively.
  • To increase brand awareness immensely.
  • Positively impact brand reputation.
  • Use user-generated content and create meaningful engagement. 

Digital PR is all about mastering the art of different social media platforms, formulating different strategies to communicate with their target audience, and how to convert your audience into a loyal customer. A brands’ name is no longer enough to hold the attention of audiences. In order to stay relevant and ahead of competitors, brands must utilize social media as a tool to further their brand story and create an emotional connection with their target audience. PR professionals need to make engaging and captivating content for the audience and learn the psychology of consumer behavior.

Digital PR has used the pandemic to its advantage, by being flexible and resilient during such uncertain times, and dealing with the crisis in such innovative ways. It has become crucial for companies to not only recover but to also thrive in this post-pandemic world. By swiftly making their way to digital transformation with the use of digital PR, brands will be able to optimally reach their target audience, create brand awareness and build long lasting relationships with their customers which will result in helping their overall brand reputation.

If you’re a brand looking to make your mark in the digital realm, feel free to contact us at [email protected]